Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci, Den geometriske mand.
Leonardo studies the proportions of the human body and its commensurability with the perfect geometric forms (the circle and the square). This was scientific analysis that had both cosmological meanings (the correspondence between micro- and macrocosm) and artistic ones (correctly representing the human figure and designing architecture based on the proportions of the human body). In his famous drawing from Venice, Leonardo subjected the Vitruvian Man to a series of original developments. Leonardo er inspireret af den romerske arkitekt Vitruvius.
Den geometriske mand, cirkel og kvadrat
Animation der illustrerer relationen mellem den menneskelig krop med cirkel og kvadrat.
The connection between the circle and the square is established throught the heptagon (the regular seven-sided polygon).
Den geometriske mand, det gyldne snit
A geometric procedure, in which a central role is played by the golden section.
Kilde: http://brunelleschi.imss.fi.it/menteleonardo... 

Indeks Venedig 

Bohn, M. 2005: Verdenshandelens historie. Verdenshandel.dk