The Bull Romanus Pontifex, January 8, 1455 | ||||
The Bull Romanus Pontifex, January 8, 1455, issued by Pope
Nicholas V granted Portugal exclusive right to acquire territory
in the region lying south of Cape Bojador, through and beyond
Guinea. The original manuscript of the promulgated bull is in the
National Archives in Lisbon, Coll. de Bullas, maço 7,
no. 29]. |
Paul Gottschalk, "The Earliest Diplomatic
Documents on America: The Papal Bulls of 1493 and the Treaty
of Tordesillas Reproduced and Translated," Berlin, 1927. Frances Gardiner Davenport, ed., "European Treaties bearing on the History of the United States and its Dependencies to 1648," Washington, D.C., 1917. |