Referencer, globaliseringsteori
Coglianese, C. 2000: Globalization and the Design of Inter-national Institutions. Governance in a Globalizing World. J. S. Nye and J. D. Donahue. Cambridge, MA and Washington, D.C., Visions of the Governance for the 21st Century and Brookings Institution Press: 297-318.
Held, D., McGrew, A., Goldblatt, D. & Perraton, J. 1999: Global Transformations. Stanford U.P.
Se også deres website:
Held, D. and A. McGrew 2000:. The Great Globalization Debate: An Introduction. The Global Transformations Reader. An Introduction to the Globalization Debate. D. Held and A. McGrew. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press: 1-46.
Scholte, J. A. 1999: The Globalization of World Politics. The Globalization of World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations. J. Baylis and S. Smith. New York, Oxford University Press: 13-30.
Sklair, Leslie 1999: Competing conceptions of globalization. Journal of World-Systems Research, Vol V, 2, 1999, 143-162.


Bohn, M. 2004: Verdenshandelens historie.